October 24, 2024
Urban Arts Space
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2024-10-24 17:00:00
2024-10-24 19:30:00
Artist Commune: Critique Costume Party
October's Halloween-themed Artist Commune will feature an art critique (spooooky!) combined with a costume party. Come dressed as your favorite artist or inspired by an art piece. Bring a piece of work you would love feedback on—all mediums welcome! Free and open to everyone, with complimentary snacks and soda. RSVP for this free event!Artist Commune is a recurring event hosted by Urban Arts Space that allows artists and the community to come together to create art, discuss art, and network.
Urban Arts Space
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2024-10-24 18:00:00
2024-10-24 20:30:00
Artist Commune: Critique Costume Party
October's Halloween-themed Artist Commune will feature an art critique (spooooky!) combined with a costume party. Come dressed as your favorite artist or inspired by an art piece. Bring a piece of work you would love feedback on—all mediums welcome! Free and open to everyone, with complimentary snacks and soda. RSVP for this free event!Artist Commune is a recurring event hosted by Urban Arts Space that allows artists and the community to come together to create art, discuss art, and network.
Urban Arts Space
October's Halloween-themed Artist Commune will feature an art critique (spooooky!) combined with a costume party. Come dressed as your favorite artist or inspired by an art piece. Bring a piece of work you would love feedback on—all mediums welcome! Free and open to everyone, with complimentary snacks and soda.
Artist Commune is a recurring event hosted by Urban Arts Space that allows artists and the community to come together to create art, discuss art, and network.