Artist Interview with Kate Durham of “under ohio stars”
The mixed media piece under ohio stars collects stories, traits, and traditions passed down through generations into a tangible scene. In between shifts as the Administrative Assistant at…
A Seat at the Table: Exhibition Honoring Black Creativity and History
Urban Arts Space is excited to share that our inaugural Community Artist-in-Residence, Arris' Cohen, and our Manager of Community Learning and Experience, Dr. Terron Banner, will be exhibiting in…
Brittany Rogers sharpens her pen, steps out with ‘Good Dress’
In her debut poetry collection, Good Dress, Brittany Rogers displays a masterful economy of language, able to capture complex generational relationship dynamics in just a few keyboard strokes. In…
"Deep Ruts" by Julie Rae Powers Captures Untold Stories of Appalachia Through Photography
“It’s difficult to photograph Appalachia without falling into the ruts of these powerful images that have long been used to show outsiders what the region is and who its people are. … [To] be of…
How We Can Use Design to Better Communicate with Our Communities
As you walk into Urban Arts Space’s October exhibition with_, your eye is drawn to various colors, mediums, shapes, and sounds. There aren't many detectable empty spaces, which was an…
Broad & High — Artist, Curator and Community Organizer Iyana Hill
Iyana Hill is a recent graduate of The Ohio State University, double majoring in Photography and African American and African Studies, and minoring in Arts Entrepreneurship. In this Broad &…
Broad & High — Poet, Performer and Curator Ajanaé Dawkins
This episode of Broad & High highlights Urban Arts Space Community Artist-in-Residence Ajanaé Dawkins. She has grown from the teenager telling stories at a poetry slam to the docu-poet she is…
Broad & High — Behind the Scenes: Exhibition Curation
This is the first story in a Broad & High series called Behind the Scenes: Art Across Ohio. In this episode, Broad & High highlights Urban Arts Space intern Iyana HIll and Community Artist…
Artist Arris’ J. Cohen and Poet Ajanaé Dawkins Extend Their Residencies at Urban Arts Space
This fall, Urban Arts Space is delighted to welcome back Community Artists-in-Residence Arris’ J. Cohen and Ajanaé Dawkins to continue their residencies through early 2025. Both artists will…