An exhibition featuring the work of graduating art majors from The Ohio State University. The artists developed the work from a range of media and approaches during their courses of study at Ohio State.
This exhibition has now been moved online, you can see it here.
A virtual reception will be held for this exhibition, register for it here.
Ellen Baker, Ellie Bartlett, Amanda Buckeye, Alex Burks, Chucen Chen, Song Chow, Cassidy Costin, Julian Foglietti, Hana Gregg, Youji Han, Sarah Heinsbergen, Clayton Huber, Lily Jones, Skylar Kaplan, Richard Katterjohn, Caitlin Leonard, Liam Manning, Amanda Miller, Doug Moreland, Marisa Olson, Margaret Queen, Owen Reza, Erika Stitz, Jacob Stuck, Emily Subr, Amber Thompson, Lexis Vanhecke, Abby Walouke, Megan Wright