About the Artist:
My grandfather was an artist so he provided lessons before I learned to write, beginning an intense interest in color. Childhood trips to Italy initiated an interest in figurative art. In high school and at OSU, I had summer internships in New York and Colorado. These experiences have greatly influenced my art and how I choose to construct my works.
Insta @justbagnoli

My art works with color to construct an atmosphere that allows me to play with abstracted figures and how they exist in space. I am able to explore pattern, materiality and transparency by selecting a restricted color palette and working with multiple different collected images and materials. I am interested in exploring the boundaries of human forms and how they interact with a space within this atmosphere. I explore modern observations of sexuality and gender while leaving their depiction simple. While the titles of my works suggest possible meanings, my figures’ illustrative qualities and the wide variety of colors I use leaves the interpretation open for the viewer.