Lexis Vanhecke - "Moments"

About the Artist:

Lexis Vanhecke is an art student from Columbus, Ohio.

Insta @lexis_vanhecke 




Oil on Canvas, 2020, 8” x 10”

Artwork by Lexis Vanhecke



Oil on Canvas, 2019, 8” x 10”

Artwork by Lexis Vanhecke



Oil on Canvas, 2019, 8” x 10”


Las Vegas

Oil on Canvas, 2019, 8” x 10”


I am a very sentimental person who feels a strong sense of nostalgia when I hear a song, smell a smell, or think about any special place in a time during my life. Each song I listen to has a moment attached, sometimes down to a particular hour, sometimes an entire month or season. I do not do this purposely, it simply happens. Here is a selection of paintings from a series I made on some of these moments that I think are worth bringing out of my own mind and sharing with others.  Each has a specific story that it represents, and means more to me than may seem at face value.  These paintings are a way to visually represent and savor these special moments, so when I look at them, I have that same sense of strong sentiment and nostalgia as if I were listening to a song.  I realize and embrace that each viewer will experience these moments differently.  My goal is to provoke some kind of feeling in the viewer — to make my moments their own in some way, even if for a short time, and take them some place familiar or unknown, and attach their own stories and emotions. For this reason, I have chosen not to share my specific stories and leave the paintings as the only information to describe the way I felt at the time.  This way, people will be able to have their own experiences when viewing them.