Owen Reza - "Twice Removed"

About the Artist:


Photo of Owen Reza

I've been removed from Oregon, California, Illinois and Ohio now I’m back where it all began, in the pacific north west with my parents and I feel like I am home again.


Insta @owen_reza 





photo, 2020, 12”x12”


Artwork by Owen Reza



digital drawing, 2020, 12”x24”


Artwork by Owen Reza



digital drawing, 2020, 12”x24”


Artwork by Owen Reza



3D print, 2020, 6”x6”


Artwork by Owen Reza


Twice removed from reality I search for shapes on my mind, to develop the unknown I keep my eyes open outside. Walking without talking I uncover organic wonders, hidden under the obvious I find my treasures. “Nature” a photo of frozen waters, pictures a profile with something being uncovered. The ripples reveal that although it is still, an energy is being developed here. Through the photo I see what’s real and store it to my memory. From my mind and through my hand I develop the “Shape” which came to me from the experience and what I had seen. Big shapes with curvy exterior on a plane of things that look familiar. I produced this into reality and now I see what the possibilities might be, I see the perspective and dimensional shifts, I begin to think how far I can take this. Removed again I’m able to think deeper and reveal a social connection with  “Space” and a physicality in “Object”. Looking familiar to the those that came prior I’ve twice removed shape from nature.