April 5 - May 2, 2021
UAS Online
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2021-04-04 23:00:00
2021-05-02 22:59:59
2021 Department of Design Spring Exhibit
Department of Design Spring Exhibit
On view at UAS Online
Each Spring, The Ohio State University Department of Design hosts an exhibition featuring the senior theses by the undergraduates from each of the three programs: Industrial Design, Interior Design, and Visual Communication Design. The exhibition also includes projects from select Master of Fine Arts (MFA) students from the Design Research and Development, and Digital Animation and Interactive Media concentrations.
UAS Online
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2021-04-05 00:00:00
2021-05-02 23:59:59
2021 Department of Design Spring Exhibit
Department of Design Spring Exhibit
On view at UAS Online
Each Spring, The Ohio State University Department of Design hosts an exhibition featuring the senior theses by the undergraduates from each of the three programs: Industrial Design, Interior Design, and Visual Communication Design. The exhibition also includes projects from select Master of Fine Arts (MFA) students from the Design Research and Development, and Digital Animation and Interactive Media concentrations.
UAS Online
Department of Design Spring Exhibit
On view at UAS Online
Each Spring, The Ohio State University Department of Design hosts an exhibition featuring the senior theses by the undergraduates from each of the three programs: Industrial Design, Interior Design, and Visual Communication Design. The exhibition also includes projects from select Master of Fine Arts (MFA) students from the Design Research and Development, and Digital Animation and Interactive Media concentrations.
As part of the exhibition, four online tours will hosted by the Department of Design and Urban Arts Space. Learn more and register for them here.