Saturday, January 25, 2014, 5-7PM
The Arts Initiative in the College of Arts and Sciences is pleased to present selected works by the recipients of the 22nd Annual John Fergus Family Fund Scholarship Awards, a juried competition open to all studio-based undergraduate and graduate visual art and design majors. Recipients are chosen by a jury of faculty from the Departments of Art; Design; Arts Administration, Education and Policy; and History of Art.
The Fergus Materials and Scholarships Fund was established with gifts from John C. and Elizabeth O. Fergus, and Robert H. Fergus in honor of their mother, Edith Fergus-Gilmore. It is the strong belief of the family, and the overriding philosophy of these awards, that it is important to give back to one's community.
This year's exhibiting artists are:
Michael Gargiulo
Alyssa Johnson
Amanda Kline
Michael Lemon
Collin Martin
Ryunosuke Matsui
Maija Miettinen-Harris
Ashton Montgomery
Amy Ritter
Jessica Willis