November 23, 2022
Urban Arts Space
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2022-11-23 18:00:00
2022-11-23 20:00:00
Artist Commune
Artist Commune
On Wednesday, November 23 we will be programming an event called Artist Commune at Urban Arts Space. Arts Commune is a series of events we created to help artists around Columbus network together while creating art. This time around we will be offering figure drawing, an A.I. art workshop, and a pop-up exhibition. The pop-up exhibition will allow the artist to have a platform to show their art to those who attend. This event is free and open to all!
Urban Arts Space
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2022-11-23 18:00:00
2022-11-23 20:00:00
Artist Commune
Artist Commune
On Wednesday, November 23 we will be programming an event called Artist Commune at Urban Arts Space. Arts Commune is a series of events we created to help artists around Columbus network together while creating art. This time around we will be offering figure drawing, an A.I. art workshop, and a pop-up exhibition. The pop-up exhibition will allow the artist to have a platform to show their art to those who attend. This event is free and open to all!
Urban Arts Space
Artist Commune
On Wednesday, November 23 we will be programming an event called Artist Commune at Urban Arts Space. Arts Commune is a series of events we created to help artists around Columbus network together while creating art. This time around we will be offering figure drawing, an A.I. art workshop, and a pop-up exhibition. The pop-up exhibition will allow the artist to have a platform to show their art to those who attend. This event is free and open to all!