April 28, 2023
Urban Arts Space
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2023-04-28 17:30:00
2023-04-28 19:30:00
Artist Commune: The Verse
Artist Commune is a monthly event at Urban Arts Space that allows artists and the community to come together to create art, discuss art, and network.
In honor of National Poetry Month, this month we will be paying homage to the art of the spoken word. Artist Commune: The Verse will feature Columbus poets. All are welcome to attend this free event.
Urban Arts Space will select 12 poets to perform their work. If you are interested in sharing your poetry, please sign up using the form below; the submission deadline is April 21 by 11:59 PM. Selected poets will be notified by April 25.
Sign up here.
Urban Arts Space
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2023-04-28 18:30:00
2023-04-28 20:30:00
Artist Commune: The Verse
Artist Commune is a monthly event at Urban Arts Space that allows artists and the community to come together to create art, discuss art, and network.
In honor of National Poetry Month, this month we will be paying homage to the art of the spoken word. Artist Commune: The Verse will feature Columbus poets. All are welcome to attend this free event.
Urban Arts Space will select 12 poets to perform their work. If you are interested in sharing your poetry, please sign up using the form below; the submission deadline is April 21 by 11:59 PM. Selected poets will be notified by April 25.
Sign up here.
Urban Arts Space
Artist Commune is a monthly event at Urban Arts Space that allows artists and the community to come together to create art, discuss art, and network.
In honor of National Poetry Month, this month we will be paying homage to the art of the spoken word. Artist Commune: The Verse will feature Columbus poets. All are welcome to attend this free event.
Urban Arts Space will select 12 poets to perform their work. If you are interested in sharing your poetry, please sign up using the form below; the submission deadline is April 21 by 11:59 PM. Selected poets will be notified by April 25.