June 2 - June 13, 2009
Urban Arts Space
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2009-06-02 11:00:00
2009-06-13 18:00:00
Department of Art Bachelor of Fine Arts Exhibition
ReceptionSaturday | June 13 | 6 to 8pmThe Department of Art Bachelor of Fine Arts Senior Projects Exhibition, features the work of the graduating art majors from The Ohio State University. The artists developed the work from a range of media and approaches during their courses of study at Ohio State.Student ArtistsTara AnstaettBronwyn BachmanHoyup ChoiSamantha CorlettTimothy DankoMatthew FarschmanSam GitibanJonathan IshidaAmy KoenigBrad LarkinJennifer MattinsonMary McCartneyChristina MorellSala NorrisTracy SchnittkerChristina VerhoffKara WeinertThe Exhibition is sponsored by the Department of Art, the Colleges of the Arts and Humanities, funded by a grant from the Efroymson Fund, a CICF Fund and supported by the John Fergus Family Fund.
Urban Arts Space
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2009-06-02 11:00:00
2009-06-13 18:00:00
Department of Art Bachelor of Fine Arts Exhibition
ReceptionSaturday | June 13 | 6 to 8pmThe Department of Art Bachelor of Fine Arts Senior Projects Exhibition, features the work of the graduating art majors from The Ohio State University. The artists developed the work from a range of media and approaches during their courses of study at Ohio State.Student ArtistsTara AnstaettBronwyn BachmanHoyup ChoiSamantha CorlettTimothy DankoMatthew FarschmanSam GitibanJonathan IshidaAmy KoenigBrad LarkinJennifer MattinsonMary McCartneyChristina MorellSala NorrisTracy SchnittkerChristina VerhoffKara WeinertThe Exhibition is sponsored by the Department of Art, the Colleges of the Arts and Humanities, funded by a grant from the Efroymson Fund, a CICF Fund and supported by the John Fergus Family Fund.
Urban Arts Space
Saturday | June 13 | 6 to 8pm
The Department of Art Bachelor of Fine Arts Senior Projects Exhibition, features the work of the graduating art majors from The Ohio State University. The artists developed the work from a range of media and approaches during their courses of study at Ohio State.
Student Artists
Tara Anstaett
Bronwyn Bachman
Hoyup Choi
Samantha Corlett
Timothy Danko
Matthew Farschman
Sam Gitiban
Jonathan Ishida
Amy Koenig
Brad Larkin
Jennifer Mattinson
Mary McCartney
Christina Morell
Sala Norris
Tracy Schnittker
Christina Verhoff
Kara Weinert
The Exhibition is sponsored by the Department of Art, the Colleges of the Arts and Humanities, funded by a grant from the Efroymson Fund, a CICF Fund and supported by the John Fergus Family Fund.