Çeyizlab: A Critical/Speculative Design Research on Trousseau Making and How It is Changing in Turkey in the 2020s
Çeyiz is a traditional ritual of gift-giving from the women of the family to the bride in Turkey. It is a collective archive of household items and handmade textiles that create an informal economy for women crafting from home. It embeds tangible and intangible values that pass from one another in the family. As happens to many traditions, Çeyiz is also under a transformation due to economic, social, and technological advancements. What are the threats and opportunities in this transformation? Can we re-define and co-design this ritual within this transformation?
Çeyizlab is a research project that targets modernized, educated, urban living women; however, the societal burden it bears does not change compared to women living in the rural. Through organizing focus-groups with women from different age groups (ranging from 23 to 60 years old), the project has gathered stories, memories, emotions, ideas related to this ritual in order to speculate about the past, present, and the future of çeyiz. This then let us to critically engage with design making and create speculative scenarios about çeyiz to open debate about women’s role, position, and problems they face in the society. These speculations will be in form of various provocative artifacts situated in “preferred” future scenarios that will be co-designed during upcoming workshops. Join our presentation on the 29th of September in which we will share our findings and initial research outcome -our first provocative artifact: The Manifesto of Çeyiz.
Hazal Gümüş Çiftçi, Ph.D.
- The Ohio State University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
- Hazal Gumus Ciftci is a design researcher with an interest in practice-based design research, design for sustainability, local production, participatory design and social innovation. She holds a Ph.D in design fromLancaster University. She received her bachelor’s degree from Istanbul Technical University (industrial design) and master’s degree from Politecnico di Milano (product/service/system design). She is a lecturer at The Ohio State University's design department. She has also taught at the Industrial Design Department of Izmir University of Economics between 2012 and 2015.
Seçil Uğur Yavuz, Ph.D.
- Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Faculty of Design and Arts
- Seçil Uğur Yavuz was born in Turkey in 1983. She graduated from Istanbul Technical University (Bachelor in IndustrialProduct Design) in 2005, and from Politecnicodi Milano (Master in Product, Service, System Design) in 2007.In 2012, she completed her PhD degree in design at Politecnico di Milano with a practice-based design research on wearable technology. She is a designer and researcher, working in the field of interactive product design, e-textiles and co-designing processes. She is a research fellow at Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, at the Faculty of Design and Art conducting various research projects on designing smart objects with/for children and crafting textiles influenced, enhanced and evolved by digital technologies. She works in the intersection of physical and digital production techniques in order to explore new ways of interaction between human and technology. She teaches both in the bachelor (Design) and the master (Eco-social Design) programs of the Faculty of Design and Art.
Watch the pre-recorded Çeyizlab conversation here: