A Tree Grows on Campus: PhotoGraphic Design Stories
A visual communication design composition featuring stories about TREES that explores the intellectual, aesthetic, and emotional connections between humans and nature. OSU Design sophomores applied PhotoGraphic techniques to develop a range of verbal narratives and visual interactions presenting stories, facts, statements, viewpoints, and emotions related to the TREE theme. PhotoGraphic is a design exploration methodology that covers photography, typography, sign, symbol, and graphic design elements; designers use these visual and semantic techniques to create various kinds of composition, emphasis, and interaction. This Zoom event will bring together our collaborators and design students to share their stories on the unique impact that trees have on each of them, addressing such topics as sustainability, deforestation, wildfires, climbing trees, cherry blossoms, and more. We invite the public to join our conversation and share their own tree stories.
- Peter Kwok Chan, Associate Professor, Department of Design.
- Ben McCorkle, Associate Professor, Writing Program Administrator, Arts & Sciences, English.
- Rick Livingston, Associate Director, Humanities Institute, Senior Lecturer in Comparative Studies.
- Mary C. Maloney, Director (retired), Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens at Ohio State.
- Gina Langen, Director of Communications, Sustainability Institute at Ohio State.
- Christine Stankiewicz, Cali Gulan and Justin Pokorski, CSCA@OSU Student Leaders
- OSU Visual Communication Design Class of 2022
- This project is a production of the Livable Future Teaching Cluster, which is sponsored by OSU’s Livable Futures Collective (A Discovery Themes grant-funded program).
- Additional support for this project provided by the Sustainability Institute at Ohio State.
Watch the recorded webinar here: