Visitors will enjoy a performance at Urban Arts Space, followed by an artist talk.
Conduit explores the spirituality & physicality of corporeal time through sculpture, weaving, and performance. At first, the sculptures appear more bodily, protruding, and visceral, whereas the weavings look contained, abstract, and nonrepresentational. Upon further investigation, these initial ideas flip; the weavings become more dynamic as if the positive and negative spaces merge and lift off of the two-dimensional surface, and the sculptures metamorphose into ethereal, spiritual entities. Through these separate bodies of work, Alissa and Janelle strive to express their day-to-day existential ponderings. Like the warp & weft of a weave, they envision time as expanding & contracting. In their collaborative performance, they use tape as a temporal and temporary metonym for their individual lived experiences. The tape creates a literal connection between each thought. Each line of tape breaks off or branches from another one. Every action helps to form the next.
Opening Reception: Conduit
July 20, 2023
Urban Arts Space
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2023-07-20 16:00:00
2023-07-20 18:00:00
Opening Reception: Conduit
Visitors will enjoy a performance at Urban Arts Space, followed by an artist talk.
Conduit explores the spirituality & physicality of corporeal time through sculpture, weaving, and performance. At first, the sculptures appear more bodily, protruding, and visceral, whereas the weavings look contained, abstract, and nonrepresentational. Upon further investigation, these initial ideas flip; the weavings become more dynamic as if the positive and negative spaces merge and lift off of the two-dimensional surface, and the sculptures metamorphose into ethereal, spiritual entities. Through these separate bodies of work, Alissa and Janelle strive to express their day-to-day existential ponderings. Like the warp & weft of a weave, they envision time as expanding & contracting. In their collaborative performance, they use tape as a temporal and temporary metonym for their individual lived experiences. The tape creates a literal connection between each thought. Each line of tape breaks off or branches from another one. Every action helps to form the next.
Urban Arts Space
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2023-07-20 17:00:00
2023-07-20 19:00:00
Opening Reception: Conduit
Visitors will enjoy a performance at Urban Arts Space, followed by an artist talk.
Conduit explores the spirituality & physicality of corporeal time through sculpture, weaving, and performance. At first, the sculptures appear more bodily, protruding, and visceral, whereas the weavings look contained, abstract, and nonrepresentational. Upon further investigation, these initial ideas flip; the weavings become more dynamic as if the positive and negative spaces merge and lift off of the two-dimensional surface, and the sculptures metamorphose into ethereal, spiritual entities. Through these separate bodies of work, Alissa and Janelle strive to express their day-to-day existential ponderings. Like the warp & weft of a weave, they envision time as expanding & contracting. In their collaborative performance, they use tape as a temporal and temporary metonym for their individual lived experiences. The tape creates a literal connection between each thought. Each line of tape breaks off or branches from another one. Every action helps to form the next.
Urban Arts Space