Urban Arts Space Summer Series #2
Artist: Robert E Falcone
“In 1953 Civil Defense carried out Operation Doorstep in conjunction with the Military’s 16-kiloton nuclear test conducted at the Nevada Test Site. Nuclear blast and thermal effects were evaluated on mannequins, automobiles, and wooden frame house of various construction to assess survivability in a nuclear blast. The homes were carefully built, and the mannequins staged and dressed for the period. Especially interesting to me were the groups the NYC based designers used to define family in both traditional and non-traditional terms. Government workers photographed before and after pictures. Using archival images, I have colorized and manipulated these images. It is a reminder of how far we have come in the last 70 years, or not. This is an exhibition of those paintings, paired with popular music of the period.
This is a timely exhibit considering in 2020 the Doomsday Clock moved to 100 seconds to midnight –the closest symbolic point from an “apocalypse” since 1953” – Falcone
Check out our interview with Robert E Falcone here.
In the News:
Check out his interview with Columbus Alive! and an article about the exhibition in the Columbus Dispatch!
The Urban Arts Space Summer Series showcases exhibitions and related discussions by artists, artist groups, community groups, and organizations living and working in the state of Ohio.