“And if I speak of Paradise,
then I’m speaking of my grandmother
who told me to carry it always
on my person, concealed, so
no one else would know but me.”
— Roger Robinson, “A Portable Paradise”
This evening event at Urban Arts Space—7–9 PM on Friday, April 5—will feature readings by high school and college students, along with their instructors, from Columbus Academy High School, Bexley High School, Otterbein University, Denison University, and The Ohio State University. These students and staff members will have participated in writing workshops with Columbus-based poet-educator Peter Kahn and acclaimed Black-British writer Roger Robinson, winner of the prestigious T.S. Eliot Prize.
Come hear work from burgeoning student writers who will share the stage with local poets Cynthia Amoah and Ajanaé Dawkins, along with Roger Robinson as the headliner. Music will be provided by DJ O Sharp. Time permitting, there will be a Q&A.