September 16 - October 25, 2008
Urban Arts Space
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2008-09-16 10:00:00
2008-10-25 17:00:00
Sid Chafetz: Engaging the World
ReceptionFriday | September 26 | 5 to 7pmSid Chafetz, professor emeritus, has commented on his world - from local and national political issues to timeless aspects of the human condition - throughout his artistic career. A survivor of the Battle of the Bulge in World War II, a two-time Fulbright Scholar, world traveler, and internationally exhibited artist, Chafetz is one of the living treasures of Columbus. We are pleased to be honoring him with this exhibition.Co-curated by Ann Bremner and Prudence Gill.
Urban Arts Space
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2008-09-16 11:00:00
2008-10-25 18:00:00
Sid Chafetz: Engaging the World
ReceptionFriday | September 26 | 5 to 7pmSid Chafetz, professor emeritus, has commented on his world - from local and national political issues to timeless aspects of the human condition - throughout his artistic career. A survivor of the Battle of the Bulge in World War II, a two-time Fulbright Scholar, world traveler, and internationally exhibited artist, Chafetz is one of the living treasures of Columbus. We are pleased to be honoring him with this exhibition.Co-curated by Ann Bremner and Prudence Gill.
Urban Arts Space
Friday | September 26 | 5 to 7pm
Sid Chafetz, professor emeritus, has commented on his world - from local and national political issues to timeless aspects of the human condition - throughout his artistic career. A survivor of the Battle of the Bulge in World War II, a two-time Fulbright Scholar, world traveler, and internationally exhibited artist, Chafetz is one of the living treasures of Columbus. We are pleased to be honoring him with this exhibition.
Co-curated by Ann Bremner and Prudence Gill.