Stage/Studio: Space Transformed

Snapshot of the last iteration of Stage/Studio in 2009
February 14 - March 28, 2012
12:00AM - 12:00AM
Urban Arts Space

Date Range
2012-02-14 00:00:00 2012-03-29 00:00:00 Stage/Studio: Space Transformed ReceptionThursday | March 29 | 6 to 8pmGraduate students in the Department of Theatre investigate site specificity as a tool in the development of original theater works, created through a course taught by Professor Maureen Ryan.In pursuit of our mission and our initiatives to integrate curriculum into the programming at the OSU Urban Arts Space, Associate Professor Maureen Ryan of the Department of Theatre will bring her MFA acting students downtown for the final five weeks of the course, TH981 Theatrical Performance Art.Participating MFA students, who are in the final two quarters of their three-year graduate program, will spend the first five weeks of the course on campus, constructing and performing personal artistic manifestos. The manifesto performances will be videotaped and shown in conjunction with a performance/installation that the MFA actors will give in the Space.For the second half of the quarter (Tuesday, February 14 through Saturday, March 10), the MFAs will create and rehearse site-specific work at the Urban Arts Space. Using only found objects, the actors will transform the gallery from a curricular space into their performance space. The general public is invited to view the rehearsal process as it occurs during the gallery’s regular business hours.A public performance of the finished works will be held at the Urban Arts Space on Tuesday, March 13th from 6 to 8pm. After the performances are complete, the installations along with the videotaped manifestos will remain in the space as an exhibit through Thursday, March 29th.Participating actors include:Alex BoylesPhil GarrettAshley KobzaTory MatsosKevin McClatchyMoopi MothibeliCharlesanne RabensburgIbsen SantosMarty SavolskisAlison VasquezAaron Zook Urban Arts Space America/New_York public


Thursday | March 29 | 6 to 8pm

Graduate students in the Department of Theatre investigate site specificity as a tool in the development of original theater works, created through a course taught by Professor Maureen Ryan.

In pursuit of our mission and our initiatives to integrate curriculum into the programming at the OSU Urban Arts Space, Associate Professor Maureen Ryan of the Department of Theatre will bring her MFA acting students downtown for the final five weeks of the course, TH981 Theatrical Performance Art.

Participating MFA students, who are in the final two quarters of their three-year graduate program, will spend the first five weeks of the course on campus, constructing and performing personal artistic manifestos. The manifesto performances will be videotaped and shown in conjunction with a performance/installation that the MFA actors will give in the Space.

For the second half of the quarter (Tuesday, February 14 through Saturday, March 10), the MFAs will create and rehearse site-specific work at the Urban Arts Space. Using only found objects, the actors will transform the gallery from a curricular space into their performance space. The general public is invited to view the rehearsal process as it occurs during the gallery’s regular business hours.

A public performance of the finished works will be held at the Urban Arts Space on Tuesday, March 13th from 6 to 8pm. After the performances are complete, the installations along with the videotaped manifestos will remain in the space as an exhibit through Thursday, March 29th.

Participating actors include:

Alex Boyles
Phil Garrett
Ashley Kobza
Tory Matsos
Kevin McClatchy
Moopi Mothibeli
Charlesanne Rabensburg
Ibsen Santos
Marty Savolskis
Alison Vasquez
Aaron Zook

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