Friday | March 13 | 6:30 to 7:30pm
Graduate students in the Department of Theatre and College of the Arts investigate site specificity as a tool in the development of original theater works, created through a course taught by Professor Maureen Ryan.
In pursuit of our mission and our initiatives to integrate curriculum into the programming at the OSU Urban Arts Space, Associate Professor Maureen Ryan of the Department of Theatre will bring her MFA acting students downtown for the final five weeks of the course, TH981 Theatrical Performance Art. The students, who are in the final two quarters of their three-year graduate program, will spend the first five weeks of the course constructing and performing personal artistic manifestos. They have been assigned the task of considering themselves avant-garde artists who are charged with the challenge of becoming the innovative and vital theatrical artists of the future. The manifesto performances will be video taped and shown at UAS in conjunction with a performance/installation that the MFA actors will give in the space.
The MFAs will rehearse site-specific work at the UAS for five weeks and then give a public performance on Friday, March 13th. The performance pieces will be based on the aesthetic they have put forth in their manifestos and in response to the upper gallery at UAS. The Theatre Research Institute (TRI) will have an exhibit running concurrently in the upper gallery and the students can make performance pieces in response to that exhibit or they can create found-object installations in the space and respond to those. After the performances are complete the found-object installations along with the videotaped manifestos will remain in the space as an exhibit until Friday, April 3rd. The actors will be creating and rehearsing the pieces during the UAS normal hours of operation. The general public is invited to view the rehearsal process.
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