We're still here, busting our glass

A collage of the twelve artists holding up a piece of paper with each of their names on it
March 7 - March 11, 2022
11:00AM - 4:00PM
Hopkins Hall Gallery

Date Range
2022-03-07 11:00:00 2022-03-11 16:00:00 We're still here, busting our glass Hopkins Hall Gallery Urban Arts Space uas@osu.edu America/New_York public

Pre-registration is required to attend all in-person exhibitions at Hopkins Hall Gallery. Please click here to register prior to visiting the gallery.

We’re still here, busting our glass features twelve explosives, waiting to detonate. You can expect to experience shards flying through the air. The soloist will be the pressure that builds until micro-fractures burst, emphasizing the requiem of hard work as glass shatters on impact. So, please bring your safety glasses and your popcorn to enjoy the show. Watch out for hot pipes, hot glass, and hot-headed artists as the stress piles up until we break. We are excited for you to view the survivors of this hectic endeavor and by survivors, we mean both the art and the artists.


*Show contains metaphorical events described above, please be prepared to view remnants of the glass making processes. No real safety glasses are required or recommended as the explosions only exist in your own fantasies and our past experiences.

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