Morgan Brown

A brunette wearing a brown shirt with a wishbone tattoo with a large building in the background.

Morgan Brown

Design Intern


  • Major: Industrial Design
  • Minors: History of Art; Fine Arts

Morgan works as a Design Intern at UAS, where she creates promotional and marketing materials for the gallery and its exhibitions.

In her designs, Morgan strives to create works that are playful and engaging for a variety of audiences. Mixed media, exciting color palettes, and whimsical drawings often make their way into many of her pieces.

Outside of her design work, Morgan enjoys reading and working with fiber and textiles in a variety of methods, such as weaving, knitting, and sewing. She is passionate about these crafts and hopes to find a way to incorporate this love into her future career. She also loves exploring Columbus and spending time with her friends and family.

Morgan strongly believes in the power of surrounding yourself with things and people that bring you joy and stimulate your creativity whenever possible.