Urban Arts Space Journal

Urban Arts Space Journal

About Us

The Urban Arts Space Journal seeks to further integrate community-building efforts by experimenting with arts accessibility in an annual print and digital publication. In this publication, we hope to feature work from artists within the Columbus community, arts organizations across Ohio, and arts-based researchers at The Ohio State University.

We're pleased to announce a call for submissions for our first community arts publication, the Urban Arts Space Journal. This community arts journal will contain a collection of selected pieces that push the boundaries of how art is made, viewed, and understood. The forms of work can include arts research, essays, poetry, artwork, interviews, video/film, music/audio, comics, and community project/organization spotlights. 

The UAS Journal will be published annually both in print and digitally, with hopes of spotlighting Columbus-based artists and writers. Each yearly publication will be influenced by a theme; the 2025 community arts journal theme will be Care / Culture / Justice. Artists must be able to make the argument that that their pieces relate to the issue theme of Care / Culture / Justice. This theme is open to interpretation.

If you are interested in submitting a piece of work to the journal, please head to the submission page before the deadline of Monday, December 2, 2024 by 5:00 PM ET

Submit Here!

The submission period will be open from September 30, 2024 through December 2, 2024. Submissions are due by 5:00 PM ET, and late submissions will not be considered. Our aim to respond to all submissions by early January 2025.

We are looking for the following types of works: 

  • Arts Research (4,000 words max)
  • Essays/think pieces/articles (4,000 words max)
  • Poetry (up to three pieces)
  • Interviews
  • Artwork (up to three pieces)
  • Video/Film (no length limitations)
  • Music/Audio (no length limitations)
  • Comics (six pages)
  • Community project/organization spotlight (no limitations)
  • Collaborations
  • Any combination of the above or other categories

The amount of available print space will be a consideration in the selection process, with shorter and mid-length pieces preferred. Applicants may submit only one piece per category but are welcome to submit pieces across multiple categories. Recommended file types include .jpg, .png, .doc, .pdf, .mp3, and .mp4. 

Urban Arts Space does not charge a reading fee. Accepted artists will be awarded an honorarium of $150 for their submission. Artists will be asked to sign a contract, and payment will be rendered within ten months of publication through The Ohio State University system.

For additional questions please reach out to us at uas@osu.edu.

The first two issues of the Urban Arts Space Journal are generously funded by a grant from the Global Arts + Humanities Discovery Theme through The Ohio State University.